Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2 and 5 ways.

I think that one good way to handle stress is to change your response to the stress. By improving your response, you could easily handle stress without overworking your body. One way to a better response would have to be relaxation. Or you could exercise to lower your stress level.
Another way that I think is a good way to handle stress is removing yourself from the stressful situation. Try not to hang out with bad influences or make bad decisions because it could lead you to stressful situations.

There are five ways you could reduce the negative effects of stress.
-RELAXATION, is a good way to reduce that negative effect you have from stress. Take a deeeeep breath. Slowly let it out. Now do you feel relaxed? Breathing exercises and muscle relaxation can reduce the tension in your body. You could tighten and then relax various muscles in your body whenever you feel tense.

-A HOBBY, is something you could use to help you relax. A hobby could be something that you love to do. Some examples are sewing, painting, sports, reading, or taking a walk. Finding a hobby could keep you from that tension.

-PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, is something that the body needs for various reasons. One of those reasons is for lowering the tension from stress. Make a schedule for physical exercises if it helps.

-EATING HEALTHY, is also important for the body for many reasons. Stressful situations sometimes effects the way you eat. A well-balanced diet can improve your ability to cope with stress.

-SLEEP, is what everyone needs. Like exercise and diet, sleep helps you feel your best during stress. Most people are grouchy when they are tired and might have negative feelings than a person who is rested.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Advice for Defense Mechanisms

PROJECTION-One advice I would give to someone who is using projection would be "stop blaming, your only hurting yourself." I would tell them that whoever they blamed it on would not want to be around them anymore. They wouldn't trust them with anything.

RATIONALIZATION-Stop making excuses. Grow up and be mature for once. It's all you.

DISPLACEMENT- By taking out your feelings on someone else, it'll only make that feeling worse. Like if you are angry and take it out on someone innocent, they'll probably get angry with you. Your just going to add more people onto your "I'm mad at you" list.
Don't want that now, do you?

CONVERSION- Take out your emotions instead of keeping it inside. It's very unhealthy to store all those feelings.

REGRESSION- How old are you? You're only going to make yourself look like a fool. Nobody wants to be around someone that age that acts like a child.

IDEALIZATION-No ones going to listen to you or care if you think that It's the best item ever.

FANTASY- Your going to have to do the work or go through the stress if you come back to reality anyway so get it over with now.

Selecting Friends

By choosing positive friends, It'll bring a positive attitude towards you. They accept you for who you are and help you to be happy with yourself. They can make you feel important by sharing interests, thoughts, and feelings. Friends that respect and encourage you with whatever choice you may have in life can help you build positive attitudes. Not all friends have positive attitudes, some will be negative. They may make you feel insecure and left out. Learning to handle your negative feelings in a positive way will help you cope when these negative times occur.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2 types of Stress

There are two types of stress; Normative and Crisis Stressors.
Normative Stress is everyday stress. Money, bills, teachers, jobs, tests, and hunger would be some examples of everyday stress. One normative stress for me would be waking up on time for school. I don't know why, but it's hard for me to be wide-awake in the morning. I tried going to bed early, but that just made me sleep in longer. One way I think would be a good way to handle this is getting a different bed. My bed is too comfortable for me and I guess that would be one of the many reasons that I cannot get up in the morning.

Crisis Stressors is long-term stress. Severe illness, death in family, jail time, or a divorce would be examples of crisis stress.
One crisis stress for me is probably the loss of my close cousin, Minnie. She was like my sister and the news brought great shock to our family. One way that we handled it was knowing that she was in a better place and letting her go.

Monday, February 8, 2010

3 Defensive Mechanisms

There are 8 defensive mechanisms that include
-Projection (push blame on someone else)
-Rationalization (excuses)
-Displacement (Take anger out on someone else)
-Conversion (emotion become physical problem)
-Regression (act like a little kid)
-Idealization (place high importance on item)
-Fantasy (imagine and try to escape problem)

Out of these 8 one of the 3 mechanisms that I experienced was Projection.
As I was growing up, I would get into a lot of trouble at times. I have a little sister and a little brother. One time, My mom just got done mopping up the floor. I tried making juice even if i was pretty small. I spilled the juice on the floor on accident. My mother got mad and asked what happened. I got scared and blamed it on my little sister. My mother just re-mopped the floor and let it go.

The second mechanism that I experienced was Rationalization. On some mornings, I am very, very tired. It would be my own fault because I would go to bed really late that night. One of my parents would wake me up and I would have an excuse ready for them. I would tell them that I have a headache, but really I just wanted to sleep in.

The last mechanism would have to be Conversion. I recently went on a school trip to Juneau. On one of the last days there, we had to show our project to everybody in the group. I didn't really want to go in front of everyone and start talking. So i sort of felt sick. I told the teacher to sit me out because I wasn't feeling well.