Thursday, January 28, 2010

Intelligence Test

The results for the Intelligence Test that I took says that I am Linguistic which means that I am word smart. I would probably say that it is correct because I enjoy reading books and writing papers (besides that research paper that I haven't finished yet). I would also say that it is true because it has a higher percentage than the other results that include; interpersonal, musical, logical, intrapersonal, naturalistic. These are things that I probably wouldn't be good at. I don't play any instrument and I hate math. So yes, i would say that the results to the intelligence test is correct.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In 10 years...

In ten years i see myself as a successful woman with a good amount of businesses in Alaska. After saving up a lot of money, my dream is to travel the world. I would never settle in one place so I would probably own many houses in different countries. I want to write books one day so in ten years I might be a best selling author. I would like my life to be carefree after hiring trustworthy people to manage my businesses. If i get bored of doing nothing i'd probably go back to college to earn a degree in primary education or an administrative degree. I want to be the boss of many things so I won't have any bosses myself. That way, I could do anything I want. If i get tired of being around teachers and children all day I could see myself as a photographer. Maybe a photo journalist. I can't really make up my mind, so in ten years, you'll either see me as a business owner, author, teacher, principal, photographer, or a photo journalist. Unless there is someone that pays for my way around the world and pay me for it. Then that'll become my career.

Introducing Myself

My name is Danielle Dawn Kashatok but everyone that knows me call me Anguu. My heritage is central Yup'ik and I've never left Alaska, yet. Anguu isn't my Yup'ik name which everyone mistakes it to be. My Yup'ik name is actually Qikertaugaq. I'm named after my late uncle, Daniel Kashatok. I was born on the 10th of August in Bethel, Alaska to Ernest and Bernadette Kashatok. I have four brothers and two sisters including two nieces. I am a senior at the moment and have a huge possibility of graduating this May. After high school, I plan to attend college somewhere in Alaska. I would like to major in Business Entrepreneurship and open up a few businesses in this coastal region. I am currently employed as a clerk at the Kashatok Brother's Store which is owned by my grandmother, Katie. I have been working there for about five years now. I don't get any special family treatment over there if that's what your thinking. I get paid the same amount as any other clerk there. I have big dreams for my future and hope that I'll accomplish them one day. Right now, I am just a student trying to finish up my work to graduate.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My five short term goals would have to include being on time for school and work, graduate this coming May, work on scholarships, go to college, and prove motivation.

-I plan to be on time for school and work by stop being lazy.
-To graduate this coming May i will need to pass all my classes this semester. To pass all these classes I'm going to work more often and be on time.
-I'm going to start working on scholarships before the Spring because i think that is when the deadlines are.
-Before I graduate, I'm going to apply to many Alaskan colleges I can and hope that i get accepted considering all my bad grades.
-I'm going to try to be motived to finish my school work because I think that I lack a lot of motivation or maybe it's just plain laziness.

My long term goal would have to be me being successful.
-To accomplish my long term goal I'm hoping that I'm going to go to college and actually graduate from there. Come back to Kipnuk and have a super high-paying job. Make money without actually having to do anything. Maybe someone could pay me for watching T.V. That's what i would call success.