Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Guidelines and Limits

IF i ever get children, i think that i'm going to be protective of them. I know that most parents are..but i'm going to make them respect me. yeah, i said "Make them".
They're going to have to come home right after school and get some chores done.
That way they can be more responsible.
If they even get one F on their report cards, they're going to be grounded for two weeks.
And during the grounding, they're going to get MORE chores done, read plenty of books, work on extra homework to make up for that F, and shine my shoes.
Yep, thats right...shine my shoes.
I bet you'd hate to be my child.
HAHAHAHAHA i wasn't being serious on this blog. I wouldn't do that to my child.
I guess i'd let them do anything they want as long as they stay out of trouble and do good in school.

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