Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Children, children, children.

*How would i play with my children? Pshh, idk...a piggy back ride? yeah thats it.
lmao, just kidding.
I'd buy them their own play ground and slide with them...etc.
*If i had to discipline my children, i would...ground them.
During this punishment, there would be no fun involved.
They'd get some major work done around the house.
No t.v, no cell phones,no video games, no computers, not even a single smile (jk).
*If i had to get/play a game for/with my children that made them learn something
then i'd get a hooked on pheonix game but for kids. (I forgot the name for it, but you know what
i mean.)
*As a child, when i was being punished..i'd get an occasional spanking. Not too brutal but enough to let me learn my lesson. If I did something really bad then I'd get grounded. Not for a long time sad face convinced my dad easily. The only bad benefit during my groundedness was the fact that i couldn't go outside. All i did was play inside, watched t.v., and eat junk food. Wheres the bad in that?
*I don't think that i'd use the same discipline on my children that my parents used on me. I think that they went too easy on me. Either that or i was a big time brat.
I think that i'd lock them in their rooms with nothing but a bed in there...not even blankets.
juuuuuuuuust kidding.
I guess i'd ban fun stuff for them. Even stuff like Prom.
Yeah, if ur my gotta stay a good kid. or else.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Guidelines and Limits

IF i ever get children, i think that i'm going to be protective of them. I know that most parents are..but i'm going to make them respect me. yeah, i said "Make them".
They're going to have to come home right after school and get some chores done.
That way they can be more responsible.
If they even get one F on their report cards, they're going to be grounded for two weeks.
And during the grounding, they're going to get MORE chores done, read plenty of books, work on extra homework to make up for that F, and shine my shoes.
Yep, thats right...shine my shoes.
I bet you'd hate to be my child.
HAHAHAHAHA i wasn't being serious on this blog. I wouldn't do that to my child.
I guess i'd let them do anything they want as long as they stay out of trouble and do good in school.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The first time

aaaaahm....i was in the 4th grade(LMAO), and this one girl was going around asking people who they have a crush on. I had a crush on someone from here, and being the good little girl that i am, i told her who it was. I trusted her to not tell anybody. BUT then she goes around telling people who everyone likes. After that, i didn't like him anymore. hahaha

My Parent's Point of View.

My parents had to give up a lot to raise such a big family. (not that big but big enough)
First of all, My dad couldn't go to college again. He already went to college and finished, but then he wanted to go again to further his education. He wanted to help out with the family so he stayed in Kipnuk and worked as a carpenter. My mother gave up A LOT. She couldn't go to college at all. She had to stay at home and take care of us. When we got a little bit older she started working at the local store, Kashatok brothers. Shes been working there ever since. I guess that she thinks that its too late to go to college. But its okay...i might miss her a lot if she goes. lol

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Everybody gets angry at some point in their lives. I think that i mad really easy. If i have an off day then maybe I'll act like I'm really angry, but don't get the wrong idea. I'm not mad at you i'm just probably annoyed. Sometimes the little things get me angry. Like when someone isn't listening to me and they expect me to listen to them. That really pisses me off. When i'm mad i try not to be around so many people. If i am around a big crowd i'd probably just get more mad. haha.

I don't think that i got really depressed before. I try to be happy all the time. But last summer was a very sad time when my cousin passed away. She was like a sister to me. We were real close. I think that was the only time in my life that i felt like i was depressed.


Normative Stress:
Normative stress is Normal everyday stress. My normative stress is getting work done. I have to work hard in school to graduate. I can't really put any effort though. I tend to procrastinate a lot. I try to manage this type of stress by working in the hallway. That way i won't have to talk to anybody and actually get work done.

Crisis Stress:
Crisis stress is those "big" stresses. If everyone is annoying me in one day then i guess thats my crisis stress. I try to manage this by ignoring everyone...i think. lol

Mental Health

Hi again! two blogs in only one hour! :O wowee!
Okay so i have to talk about my Mental health because of my PLS teacher, Broz. i need to beat a hundred words so I'm basically typing random things right now. =D

Positive Attitude:
I think i have a greaaaat positive attitude. I try to see the good in everything. I try not to be angry about little things and i try to just have a good time.

Negative Attitude:
I don't smile when I'm mad. LMAO...everyone doesn't. I usually try to control my anger. do you?

Okay..i accomplished a hundred words. this is where i disappear....