Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Active Listening

There are two types of listening. One of these two is "active listening". Active listening is when you are paying attention, focused, and learning from whoever is speaking.

A time where I was actively listening was during the Juneau trip (Close-Up). A couple of students and I went on this trip to learn and experience the branches of law and sit in meetings with the state's senators, legislators, committee, and governor. Active listening was crucial during this trip. I didn't know a thing about government before going on this trip. I learned how a bill is formed and passed. I learned what positions there are in the judical branch. We also did activities. We contra danced, which was a first. We had to listen to directions from the Contra Instructor to form the dance. So there was active listening involved in that. We even went snowboarding, which was another first, so we were instructed by an experienced snowboarder. I ALMOST learned how, but I couldn't turn left or right.

Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Values

There are three values that are relationships, personal, and work.

Ranking them from 1-3, 1 being the most important, I would place Relationships as third.
I would mark the value relationship as least important because it could slow you down with school work. One example would be "distraction". While you are trying to get work done, a friend or significant other could be trying to have a conversation with you that would slow down your progress.

Number two would be the personal value. I think that it would rank second because without certain personal skills or abilities you wouldn't be able to form relationships. Relationships could be useful for some situations.

The most crucial value would have to be work. Without work, we wouldn't be able to pay for things such as bills, food, heating oil, gas, or transportation. Without these things we would be living in extreme poverty. Also, to have work we need excellent skills in relationship and personal values. That way, we could maintain a successful reputation at work and keep the job.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What I Expect To Learn In This Chapter

In this chapter, Decision Making Skills, I expect to learn about making decisions. I think this chapter is going to focus on teaching how to make good decisions. I also think it's going to help us weigh the good decisions over the bad. The chapter will probably have information on how to tell the difference from good choices and bad choices. I think this is going to be a helpful chapter for our future decisions.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

DON'T DO IT!!!!(Advice for a friend that's suicidal)

What are you doing?! Step away from the edge of the cliff!!
There are many people that care about you. It is not worth taking your own life. Think about how your mother will think of you.
You don't want her to live the rest of her life thinking that she was a failure to her own child, don't you? She is going to think that way if you do go through with this crazy idea.
I know you are under a lot of stress and extremely depressed, but there are ways that that could be solved. If you do kill yourself you're going to put many of your loved ones under the same sadness.
I know that you think people don't care about you, but that is just you THINKING that they don't. They might not show any emotions towards you, but that doesn't automatically mean that it is true. You have a whole life ahead of you and you could do anything you desire if you just put some effort into it.
There is always a way to solve any problems that you have; just open your eyes. Don't do it.